The most fast-paced and technical category in F-ZERO GX.

Main technique involves navigating in a snake-like pattern in max acceleration settings to build momentum.

The video above is a display of how the category looks like once all of the advanced techniques are applied.

"100% Max Speed" restricts the user from utilizing Snaking by setting the machine settings to 100% Max Speed.

Max Speed settings has a great variety of techniques to it, despite the restriction of the powerful Snaking technique.

Above is a typical display of how a section from Max Speed Time Attack looks like.

Story Mode consists of a variety of gimmicks for each chapter, which makes it an interesting and different watch compared to Time Attack mode.

The Blue Falcon isn't a particularly great display for Snaking, but it still has its unique style to it. This kind of Time Attack relies almost entirely on Snaking and MT (Momentum Throttle), so in a way it feels like a restricted version of Snaking Time Attack.

Story Mode consists of a variety of gimmicks for each chapter, which makes it an interesting and different watch compared to Time Attack mode.

Story Mode on Max Speed settings is similar to Max Speed Time Attack in that they share most of the same advanced techniques. It's pretty interesting to see how far an overall mediocre machine like the Blue Falcon can be pushed, and above is a decent display of it.

What's that? The Blue Falcon isn't capable of going fast, you say?

Well, above is a section of the Non-Custom WR on CTT using the almighty Blue Falcon.

At some point, I hope to fill out this with a lot of Blue Falcon times.
So far there's only 2 out of 26 records included...

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